
Theory of Negativity

The level of negativity in today's society worries me tremendously. It seems that everywhere you look there is a sign of depression and anxiety in the modern world. The news is riddled with tales of recession, war and poverty. TV provides nothing more than a medium to broadcast some of the most unthinkable drama's, most of which you wouldn't wish on your worst enemy. And we call this entertainment!

I have actually struggled recently to find anything positive to watch on TV. If it doesn't involve death, adultery, addiction or violence it is apparently not worth watching.

Even reality TV relies on negativity to produce suspense and provoke emotion. If it's not Big Brother forcing it's "guinea pigs" into situation's where they are likely to react dramatically, it's the pop factor (or some other rubbish) focusing on the deprived up-bringing of it's unfortunate contestants in an attempt to gain the pity of a nation that is amongst the wealthiest in the world. And by wealth I don't mean money, I mean standard of life.

Is this truly reality. I think the more this negativity is imposed on us the more we begin to believe that it is. And thus, my theory of negativity is born.

"Mathematics is the language of nature... Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers... If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore : there are patterns everywhere in nature." ~ Pi
If you have not seen the film Pi, I highly recommend it. It will make you see life differently. My reason for the reference is because my theory of negativity can be explained simply using basic mathematics. Mathematics is the language of nature.

So, a simple maths lesson:
A positive number + Another positive number = A positive number
A positive number + A negative number = A lesser number than the initial number
A negative number + A negative number = A negative number
A negative number + A positive number = A higher number than the initial number
Therefore, a positive state of mind can be improved through positivity. Yet, a positive state of mind can also be depressed by a level of negativity. That which we appear to endure day by day as a result of society.

What's more, a negative state of mind can be further depreciated when combined with societies adversity.

When looking to relieve negativity, positivity is key. In fact it is more than key, it is fundamental.

Negativity cannot exist without negativity. And it cannot be reduced without positivity. So why does society insist on dictating this antagonistic state of mind as reality. It is after all only a state of mind.

Positivity can often appear to provide no immediate benefit or achievement and thus seem aimless. Positivity is taken for granted and is often belittled by societies discomfort with recognition and acclamation of a positive achievement.

However, negativity grows exponentially, in that a level of negativity will double through adversity. The resulting state of mind will again double following further antagonism and so on.

"Sometimes when you do good things it doesn't seem like it makes a difference. That doesn't mean you should stop doing good things."

If you have anything positive to share to help all of us, be it a positive TV show you watch, article you've read or just your own thoughts please leave a comment

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